Asheboro Dental Care
Asheboro Dental Care
Dr. Gary Cameron
(336) 625-4700
350 North Cox Street, #18
Asheboro, NC 27203
Patient Care
Asheboro Dental Care's offices utilize the latest in technology to enhance patient experience. We incorporate innovative ideas and creative solutions to make your patient visit more pleasant - more personal - and more professional.
Patient Survey
Your experience with our dental office is very important. Please take a moment to fill out a brief patient survey. Any comments you choose to make are kept strictly confidential and can only help us become better in the future. Click here to take our Patient Survey.
Digital Patient Information
You'll notice that Asheboro Dental Care's patient information is all about digital. This allows us to speed communications with insurance carriers and referring specialists for your convenience. All records are securely protected and safeguarded for your privacy.
Kids Love Us!
No more kicking and screaming... your kids will look forward to visiting the dentist. There's a television in every room, "Tree House", and a see-through fish tank. And they'll love the "Kids Only" area featuring Playstation 3!
Best of all, when they finish their dental appointment they can now register for a free iPOD. Come see why we make it easy for you to bring your children to the dentist!
Patient Rooms
Every one of our patient rooms comes standard with state-of-the-art tools selected for their ability to enhance your comfort, your consultation and your safety. Each room offers a host of comforts, including personal headphones, cable TV and free laughing gas with any visit.
