Complete Dental Care Of Durham
Complete Dental Care Of Durham
415 Dunstan Ave
Durham, NC 27707
(919) 680-3368
Complete Dental Care is a full service Medicaid Dental Center with adult and children's Medicaid services.
Ongoing care. You've heard since childhood that you should visit your dentist once every six months. Even if your teeth "feel" healthy, it's smart to keep that appointment. Things change as we age, and it's much better (and less costly) to find a small crack and repair it today, than to wait until the tooth breaks and a crown is needed. Semi-annual cleanings and exams are the best investment you can make toward preserving your smile and oral health.
Cosmetic care. A beautiful smiles says a lot about you. It projects condidence, pride and good health. We provide a full range of cosmetic services to keep your smile gleaming. Professional teeth whitening, at-home bleaching, tooth colored fillings, teeth realignment, crowns, bridges and implants are all available at your local Dental Care Center office.
Implants, Bridges, Crowns, Surgery. Our dental team includes doctors with expertise in crowns, bridges and implants. So, to ensure the utmost in quality care, you may see a different doctor on our staff when specialized procedures are needed. Nearly all procedures are performed in our offices. We will, however, schedule a visit at another office when it's in your best interest.
Emergencies. We understand that when you have a toothache you need assistance, so we always keep one chair available for emergencies. When someone comes into our office with a serious problem, they don't have to wait. They don't have to schedule an appointment. We take them in immedaitely, control the pain, diagnose the situation, and then recommend treatment. It if's an emergency to YOU, it's an emergency to US.
General dentistry for the family.
We do Crowns, bridges, fillings, extractions, root canals, custom dentures, non-surgical gum treatments, senior discount
Gentle dentistry for the entire family. Cosmetic banding, custom dentures & partials. Affordable fees, and most insurance plans accepted, including medicard.
Ongoing care: You've heard since childhood that you should visit your dentist once every six months. Even if your teeth "feel" healthy, it's smart to keep that appointment. Things change as we age, and it's much better (and less costly) to find a small crack and repair it today, than to wait until the tooth breaks and a crown is needed. Semi-annual cleanings and exams are the best investment you can make toward preserving your smile and oral health.
Cosmetic care: A beautiful smiles says a lot about you. It projects condidence, pride and good health. We provide a full range of cosmetic services to keep your smile gleaming. Professional teeth whitening, at-home bleaching, tooth colored fillings, teeth realignment, crowns, bridges and implants are all available at your local Dental Care Center office.
Implants, Bridges, Crowns, Surgery. Our dental team includes doctors with expertise in crowns, bridges and implants. So, to ensure the utmost in quality care, you may see a different doctor on our staff when specialized procedures are needed. Nearly all procedures are performed in our offices. We will, however, schedule a visit at another office when it's in your best interest.
Emergencies: We understand that when you have a toothache you need assistance. When someone comes into our office with a serious problem, we try to take them in immedaitely, control the pain, diagnose the situation, and then recommend treatment. It if's an emergency to YOU, it's an emergency to
